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Last month, NJL Consulting secured Full Planning Consent for Miller Homes for their development at Lunts Heath Road, Widnes.

NJL secures Full Planning Consent for Miller Homes in Widnes, Halton: Text

NJL Consulting acted on behalf of Miller Homes to secure full planning approval for 238 homes in Halton. The application was approved by Halton’s Planning Committee on 3 July 2023, where Members voted to grant the scheme in accordance with Officer Recommendation and subject to signing of the S106 Agreement. The proposals comprised a wide variety of one-, two-, three-, four-, and five-bedroom homes including 66 affordable units, significant public open space, landscaping, and biodiversity net-gain enhancements.

NJL have long acted for Miller on this site, promoting the sites allocation through the later stages of the Local Plan which culminated in a successful residential allocation on adoption of Halton’s Development Plan in March 2022. This then led to the preparation of the application which was reinforced by a lengthy process of engagement with the Council and the local community. Following multiple iterations on the site layout and house types, we have been really impressed with Miller’s positive and flexible approach to taking onboard feedback and making every effort to address concerns raised.

In summary the proposals not only deliver significant housing for Halton, but will deliver wider public benefits including:

  • A truly landscape led development to respect the sites existing features, principally the important natural feature of Bower’s Brook which runs through the centre of the site.

  • Significant Biodiversity Net Gain of 40% habitat creation and 106% hedgerow creation, well over the required 10%.

  • Access to new children’s play spaces on the site and community links through a legible path and road network.

  • Sustainable drainage through the incorporation of two SuDS basins.

  • Financial contribution towards significant highways improvement to improve active travel measures around Widnes, offsite open space provision and wider recreational management associated with the Mersey Estuary SPA and Mersey Estuary Ramsar Site.

The approval of the scheme reinforces principles of good design and an inherent focus on landscaping and open space being a key feature within development and place making. It was therefore unsurprising that the planning committee quickly and unanimously approved the scheme with Miller aiming to commence work on this development swiftly.

NJL secures Full Planning Consent for Miller Homes in Widnes, Halton: Text
NJL secures Full Planning Consent for Miller Homes in Widnes, Halton: Image
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